Capsana and the general public

Activating a collective movement that mobilizes as many people as possible, while appealing to individuals through a personal call to action—that's the signature of Capsana's public campaigns.

Our goal: Motivate individuals of all ages to change their lifestyle in order to improve their health and prevent chronic diseases. Whether it's the Quit to Win! Challenge, the Smoke-Free Family, TOUGO or the PAUSE initiative, our campaigns offer guidance and support to keep participants motivated and help them take care of their health.

Capsana also supports municipalities and organizations that participate in these campaigns, reaching people where they live and work.

Motivating people to take care of their health in a positive way.

Backed by an effective media strategy and a wide support network, developed in partnership with the public health system and private-sector organizations in the field of health promotion, our public campaigns are widely recognized and respected for their impact. Thanks to their credibility and solid track record, they play an important role in implementing environmental and social standards that support and promote healthy living.